Three Ideas for Spectacular Breast Health

Every October, what if we focused our attention on breast health instead breast cancer? What if, during this month, we send love instead of fear to this beautiful area of our body? I have wanted to write a post about breast health (a subject close to my heart) this month, and it is the 24th. Phew! These three ideas are a starting point for what you can start doing today for spectacular breast health in the near future.

Reach an Optimal Vitamin D Status

Even if you have a family history of breast cancer or have mutations of the BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 genes, there is much you can do today to heal yourself. Remember, that biology is not destiny and healing is possible, anytime, anywhere.

Dr. Mercola says, “The KEY to remember here is that it is NOT your genes that dictate your health but rather the expression of your genes. You have the ability to easily turn genes on and off with your lifestyle and emotional state.”

Vitamin D does much more than helping us achieve a phenomenal skeletal system. It has a profound effect on the expression of genes. A 2010 study done at the Genomics Unit of the University of Oxford found that Vitamin D had a wide-ranging effect on health and influenced the expression of 229 genes! Isn’t that all kinds of amazing?

Symbolically, our Vitamin D status represents the energy of sunlight, of universal light, in the body. “Sunlight and crown chakra energy can permeate our physical being and spark certain cell processes”, says Deanna Minich, author of Chakra Foods for Optimum Health.

Even if you can’t commit to the Crown Chakra line of thought just think about how good it feels to spend time soaking up some sunshine. You feel like a new person right? That same feeling goes all the way down to the elemental cells that you are made of and rejuvenates them. Schedule blood work, and do whatever it takes, a vacation in the Tropics or a quality Vitamin D3 supplement,  to reach optimal Vitamin D status.

Improve Estrogen Metabolism

While not that much can be done about the amount of estrogen you have in your body, some of us naturally have more than others, much can be done about how your body breaks down or metabolizes that estrogen. It turns out that estrogen metabolism, and not the quantity of estrogen, is key to breast health.

Suzy Cohen, America’s Most Trusted Pharmacist says,
“When estrogen breaks down in the human body, it can form several smaller molecules. The safest by-product is called “2-methoxyestradiol.” Other estrogen by-products are not as friendly in the body, and may increase your risk for cancer. I’ll call those ‘bad’ forms 4 and 16 estrogen to keep things simple.”

So what should you do so that your body makes more of the safe estrogen molecules? You may have heard that broccoli prevents breast cancer. The reason it does so is because, it breaks down estrogen into the friendly #2 metabolite, rather than the #4 or #16. All cruciferous vegetables help, but you may want to look into a supplement called DIM, which contains a compound called deiindolymethane, a phytonutrient found in cruciferous vegetables to catapult this process. Other supplements that may help, according to Suzy Cohen, are rosemary extract, folic acid, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B 12, magnesium and an amino acid called methionine. Talk to your doctor about taking one or more of these supplements, especially if you have symptoms of estrogen dominance like fibroids, ovarian cysts, etc.

Break the Cycle of Martyrdom

Women often take on the role of nurturers in the family without taking the time to nurture themselves. Love and compassion for others can quickly turn into a downward spiral, turn into suffering and martyrdom, when the mother or mother-figure lavishes love on everyone in the family, but does not feel worthy of receiving kindness herself.

You don’t have to turn into a narcissist overnight, but you have to decide that you are worthy of care and compassion. Treat yourself just like you treat your beloved child or a lovely friend. This could mean anything from claiming and expressing your creativity to spending time in nature just by yourself or cooking a multi-course meal of your favorite foods.

And how does this relate to breast health? Good question.

Dr. Christiane Northrup, author of Women’s bodies, Womens Wisdom says, “The energy of giving and nurturing others unconditionally draws on all the organs of the fourth chakra, or energy center: the breasts, heart, lungs, upper spine, and shoulders. But the love that makes maternal nurturance so life-affirming must be replenished regularly—otherwise it leads to health problems in those same organs.”

Even if you have a difficult time aligning with this energetic suggestion for breast health, practicing self love can only do great things for body, mind and soul. Feeling gorgeous in your own skin and experiencing deep happiness is not selfish, it is healthy and it is important.


Dr. Mercola; At Least Two Thirds of Breast Cancer Cases are Likely Avoidable

Phys. Org; Vitamin D found to influence over 200 genes, highlighting links to disease

Deanna M. Minich; Chakra Foods for Optimum Health

Dr. Christiane Northrup; Energetic Breast and Heart Disease Prevention

Suzy Cohen; Breast Cancer Ebook

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Hi, my name is Arathi and I write about small changes, edits if you will, that you can make to your lifestyle to create spectacular health and wellbeing. Latest research, soulful experiences, delicious recipes and loving encouragement, you will find it all here.

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